Learn how to sew a crib bedding set following my detailed step-by-step tutorial! Customize your baby’s nursery by choosing your favorite fabric print to sew a crib bedding set!
I think, that a crib bedding set makes a wonderful handmade gift for a baby and is super easy to sew. You are making it one of a kind with all the wide array of fabric prints you can choose from. There are crib bedding sets you find in stores but the prices can be pretty high. Sewing it yourself not only saves you money but also you can use good quality and 100% cotton fabric.
I Am Happy To Share With You How To Sew A Crib Bedding Set

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What You Need To Sew A Crib Bedding Set
1.25 yard each of two (43” wide) coordinating fabrics – you can find a wide array of nice cotton fabrics at fabric.com or at Joann.com
2 feet (90” wide) batting
3 yards Interfacing
24” Velcro
2 yards (43” wide) fabric
2.5-yard fold over elastic
1.5-yard fabric for the base
1.5 yards (43” wide) for the skirt – if you want to make a ruffle skirt you need 3 yards of fabric.
Let’s learn how to sew a crib bedding set!
Always wash and dry fabric ahead of time to pre-shrink it.
Fold both fabrics in half lengthwise and cut four 11” wide pieces out of each fabric.
Stitch the pieces right side together, that you will end up with two super long bumper pieces. They are approximately 172” long. Iron press all the seams open.

Iron the interfacing on to the wrong side of one bumper piece. Cut out the batting to 11” wide and stitch, that it will make 172” long piece.
Layout the bumper pieces right side together, having the one with interfacing on the bottom. Put the batting piece on top and pin all three layers together. Stitch them all around leaving a 6-inch opening. Clip corners.
Turn it right side out and iron press around. Hand stitch the opening closed. Stitch all around the bumper 1-inch from the edge.
Cut four 6” pieces of Velcro. Pin and stitch hook and loop sides 1.5” apart close to the edges at both ends of the bumper. Make sure two pair is on one side and the other pair on the contrast side.
Voila! You are done with the crib bumper!
Fold the fabric in half lengthwise and cut 67” pieces. Then, cut 7.25” squares out of the raw edge corners.
Align and pin square edges right side together, then stitch. Repeat on all corners.
Set your machine to 5.0 long and 1.5 wide zig-zag stitch. Arrange the elastic, that it folds over the raw edge of the sheet. Zig-zag around stretching the elastic while stitching.
There! How easy it was to sew a crib fitted sheet!
Cut 52” x 28” piece out of the base fabric. You can use muslin or any quilting fabric of your choice. It won’t be visible anyway.
Fold the skirt fabric in half lengthwise and cut four, 12” wide pieces. Cut two of them to 28” long and the leftover from the cut stitch right side together with the other two. Cut them to 52” long, iron press the seam open.
Hem the short and one long edge of each piece. You can just fold 0.25” over to the wrong side and zig-zag stitch.
Pin the short skirt pieces to the base right side together, placing ends of the skirt pieces 0.25” from ends of the base. Stitch and overlock to prevent fraying.
Repeat with the long skirt pieces.
Ta-da! The crib skirt is ready, and you finished the crib bedding set!
I hope you enjoyed learning how to sew a crib bedding set and the tutorial was easy to follow. You can find another handmade baby gift idea by visiting my post on how to sew a baby blanket.
Also, you are welcome to share a picture of your crib bedding sewing project on my Facebook page. I’m curious about what fabric prints you choose.
Happy sewing!
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